The Disciples Run Away
Matthew 26:31; 47-56
By Brent Lanigan
In this 5 part series, we are discovering stories about Jesus that show how he calmed people’s fears. Last week, we learned how Jesus calmed the fears of a man named Simon who’s heart was troubled. Here in Part 4, is today’s story.
Key Verse: John 14:27a “I leave you peace. My peace I give you.”
Then Jesus told his followers, “You will all lose your faith in me. It is written in the Scriptures that when men come to arrest me to take me to die on the cross all of you will run away. Jesus and his followers then went to a place called Gethsemane. Jesus said to them: “Here comes the man who has turned against me.” While Jesus was still speaking, Judas came up. Judas was 1 of the 12 followers. He had many people with him. They had swords and clubs.
Judas had planned a signal for them. He had said, “The man I kiss is Jesus. Arrest him and guard him while you lead him away. “So Judas went to Jesus and said, “Teacher!” and kissed him. Then the men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. Then all of Jesus’ followers left him and ran away.
A few days later, after Jesus had died on the cross, and then come alive again, Jesus’ followers were together. The doors were locked, because they were afraid of the men who had killed Jesus because they thought they would be killed too for being Jesus’ followers. Then suddenly Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you!”. After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. His followers were very happy when they saw Jesus.
Today’s story tells us that Jesus’ followers – his disciples – were all afraid. Why were they afraid? Because they thought that they would be killed for being Jesus’ followers. So they were hiding out in a house hoping no one would find them. It was a terrible feeling to be locked inside the house, but Jesus’ followers were so afraid they thought they could not leave the house or go anywhere.
And then suddenly, without warning, Jesus appeared to them in the house! Amazing! When the disciples saw Jesus, the first thing he said to them was “Peace be with you!” because he knew how afraid they had been feeling. And from then on, a peace and comfort came over them and they felt safe because Jesus was with them.
This story sure fits in with us, doesn’t it? A lot of us are stuck in our homes unable to go swimming at the pool, or to the library, or to the mall, or even to attend church because of the coronavirus. And maybe like the disciples, you are feeling afraid too because you are not sure what is going to happen. But you know what? Just like Jesus appeared to the disciples and said to them “Peace be with you”, Jesus wants us to know his peace too so that we won’t feel afraid.
How does he do that? Well, he has given us Bible verses to remind us that he is with us, even though we cannot see him. Jesus says this in the Bible in John 14:27 “I leave you peace. My peace I give you.” Isn’t that awesome? So in these crazy days of being stuck inside, remember that verse and be comforted knowing that Jesus is with you.
Dear God, thank you for this story that reminds us that you are always with us. Thank you for your perfect peace that surrounds us like a blanket. Amen.