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A New Chapter for Sparrows in Smithers

In October 2023, after 12 years of dedicated partnership, Bethesda Christian Association (Bethesda) and Sparrows Christian Housing Society (Sparrows) announced Sparrows is taking over the responsibility and ownership of their intentional community in Smithers for people with disabilities. This strategic decision marks a new chapter for the local, community-integrated organization and opportunities for expansion of faith-based housing options in the Smithers area.

Sparrows Apartment, which opened in 2011, is home to six people who live semi-independently. While they all have very different lives, they enjoy shared meals together in the common area and the assurance of a caretaker on site if they need assistance. (Learn more about Sparrows Apartment at Previously, Bethesda, a community living service provider based in the Lower Mainland, coordinated the operational services aspect, while Sparrows managed building maintenance and logistics. It was a partnership that combined the strengths of both organizations. However, the geographical distance between the two organizations posed significant challenges in leading growth to meet the needs in the region. The prospect of continued growth now lays with Sparrows who are blessed with deep roots in Smithers and adjacent communities.

For several years, supporters of Sparrows have gazed on the grassy land beside Sparrows Apartment and imagined a new home that would offer 24/7 support to meet needs in the Smithers area. Would it be possible to build a new home? How would they do it? Where would they find the resources? All these seemingly insurmountable questions felt overwhelming. “And they still do,” Laura says. Laura Duursma is the program manager of Sparrows, in a newly created position signaling the growth of the fledgling organization.

Laura, top left, spending a spectacular afternoon at Lake Kathlyn with three people who live at Sparrows Apartment. 

Laura is aware of the challenges ahead and says, “We know we’re now branching into something entirely new for us, and right now, it is a pretty huge process that we’ll be working through.” To their advantage, she has experience in community living, including time working at Community Living BC, the funder they hope will support their growth initiatives. They also have the backing of a coalition of interdenominational churches and a committed network of volunteers and community members.

About the transition, Bethesda CEO Tori Dalair says, “We feel they [Sparrows] have the heart and resources in the area to be able to carry their vision forward in a powerful way and we look forward to witnessing the way that God blesses them as they carry forward this vision to grow services in the area.”

Sparrows’ vision of their faith-based, community living expansion is ambitious and well-grounded in need. Laura says, “That’s been the big thing, identifying what actually is the need and then how can we help to meet that need.”  

The housing society is planning the construction of a second building on the unused portion of their Sparrows Apartment property to accommodate more people looking for housing support. Their plans are for a combination 2-unit staff-supported home component and a 2-unit semi-independent component. Laura says, “We have a number of families in the community and a good portion of aging parents who are looking at the future asking what does this look like, for my adult son or daughter? And yeah, they’ve been able to make it work, some of them in their own homes. But, as they get older, things like lifting and just all those support tasks, they have to think about the future. And so Sparrows is on the minds and hearts of lots of people.” The board of Sparrows is hoping their plans for their planned home will alleviate some of this need.

A Call For Support

Laura says, “Achieving this goal will require continued and increased community support, including donations and volunteer efforts.” With gratitude, she acknowledges the community is well-known for stepping up when there is a need. She is optimistic the provision of additional faith-based supportive housing will be embraced by the community in and around Smithers.

Bethesda supported Sparrows Apartment for many years with donation-based funds. As Sparrows embarks on its own journey, some of those faithful supporters may wish to directly support them. Tori says, “We encourage Bethesda supporters to show this grass-roots organization your support. Especially our northern supporters. If these families are on your hearts and you’re called to help your local community, we encourage you to donate directly to Sparrows.”  As Sparrows moves into active fundraising for their initiative, it is important supporters know that they can give to this project directly through Sparrows Christian Housing Society.

For more information about how you can contribute to the new housing society and their vision for growth, please contact Jody Schouten at

Sparrows Christian Housing Society supports 6 people in their 6-unit, intentional community in Smithers. The organization is planning a second supported living home to provide needed home-living options in the community for people with disabilities.

Sparrows Christian Housing Society is a faith-based organization that provides an intentional space for individuals with diverse abilities to be fully included as participating members of Smithers – adults who live, work, volunteer, and give back to their community. Sparrows was incorporated in 2003.