This is a story about one of God’s children putting their full trust in Him and relying on Him fully through this journey He has placed her on. Here is Rachel’s story.
Last summer I was involved in an accident at Mill Lake Park in Abbotsford. Me and my friends were getting out of the van to go for a visit and walk in the park. I was already out of the van and waiting in my wheelchair while my friends were getting out. Suddenly my chair was impacted on the right side by the vehicle that I was behind. My chair was lifted on to its two rights wheels, tilting me over to the side. I was so close to the ground I thought I was going to hit it. The vehicle stopped in time for me not to hit the ground. I believe the driver heard the impact and the sound of my yell.
I know the LORD was with me that day holding me up on the left side and not letting me hit the ground, for without Him, it would’ve been much worse. I thought that day that I was going to die, that is how scared I was, but God was WITH me! So know that if you are going through a difficult time know that God has you and you can trust Him because He will never let you go!
Due to the accident my chair was very damaged. I needed a whole new one. I went through the process of getting a new chair and now I have one and it is wonderful. It is everything I’ve wanted. I would never wish an accident on anyone but two things good things came out of this one, a VERY strong faith in God and an amazing new wheelchair.

Due to the accident my chair was very damaged. I needed a whole new one. I went through the process of getting a new chair and now I have one and it is wonderful. It is everything I’ve wanted. I would never wish an accident on anyone but two things good things came out of this one, a VERY strong faith in God and an amazing new wheelchair.
Remember, God is your advocate and is for you and with you and will never let you go!
This is a story, but it is a real life story and it’s my story of faith and trust in God who will never ever leave me. This accident changed me and has become forever a part of my story!
Rachel is a young woman with diverse abilities living in Abbotsford, who enjoys cooking amazing, tasty, nutritious dinners while experimenting with spices and flavour. As she says, “A life without flavour is a bland life! Cooking makes me happy because I get to experiment with flavours and spices and get to serve people the food that I prepared with love!”