Inspiring Servant Leaders since 1971
Training Up Leaders
At Bethesda, we believe that today’s employees crave growth and challenge in their professional lives. For those seeking to advance their leadership, Bethesda offers opportunities both for seasoned leaders and those starting out. Investing in our staff supports and equips them to be effective in their role. And it furthers our vision of people of all abilities belonging to communities where they are valued and empowered to share their God-given skills and abilities.
Emerging Leaders
We encourage leadership development in all employees, regardless of their formal role. Here are some of the ways that you can use and develop your God-given skills and abilities as an emerging leader:
- Within our staff teams, take a lead role in areas that match your creative gifts and engage your interests. Examples include keyworkers, community networkers, staff trainers, and worker health and safety representatives.
- Develop your inner leader with Bethesda’s Leader-In-Training (LIT) Program. As an employee in a non-leadership position, you are eligible to apply for training, mentorship, on-the-job experience, and formal education in leadership from Bethesda leaders. Trainees selected for the program receive exposure to different Bethesda services and leadership contexts. They are also eligible to take up to three courses in Fullwell Leadership’s non-profit leadership certificate program. The LIT Program prepares participants to step into leadership assignments both within and outside of their worksite.
- Ongoing professional development will help you stay effective and inspired in your job. You will receive relevant and practical training at external workshops and in-house trainings. You may also apply for financial support for courses related to your role at Bethesda.
Current Leaders
As a leader, Bethesda supports you to grow in the core competencies you need to be confident, effective and impactful in your role. Leadership development opportunities that are available to you at Bethesda are:
- Personal awareness through Strengths Deployment Inventory assessment and training. You will learn how your strengths and motivations, and those of others, can improve relationship awareness, communication and interpersonal effectiveness.
- Training in leadership coaching to develop active listening and supportive conversation skills.
- Completion of a non-profit leadership certificate through Fullwell Leadership. A wide range of topics that challenge contemporary leaders with a servant leadership approach.
- Participating on committees/work teams, becoming an instructor or trainer and mentoring other leaders.
- Professional development support through topic-specific external workshops, in-house trainings, and financial support for courses related to your role at Bethesda.
We partner with Fullwell Leadership to deliver facilitated learning in 10 key leadership areas.
Learn about the 10 key leadership competencies.
What They Say
What I learned from my leadership training that changed everything.

Janelle Zerr, Manager
I’ve learned the importance of starting conversations from a third perspective, an outside or neutral perspective, suspend judgement and listen. It’s amazing what truth you may learn.

Chhaya Calton, LIT Graduate
The LIT program is very interesting, I enjoyed it so far and I’m even more excited to learn new things and everything there is to offer. I’m looking forward to the whole course.

Sava Duran, Manager
I learned the importance of staying quiet and opening up my ears and mind to foster presence for ‘The Other.’ As a leader, the goal is to support, encourage, correct, challenge and to celebrate others. However, how can I do this when I am the one that is talking?

Linda Samplonius, LIT Graduate
The job shadowing and meeting managers in the other homes gives me confidence that I can find my own path, I don’t have to follow some cookie-cutter method, and I can go to them, because we are part of a greater team.