Become a Home Share Provider

Create a world that makes room for people of all abilities

Bethesda’s home share service is a shared-living arrangement where a family or a single person cares for someone with an diverse ability in their home. Each home share strives to foster an individual’s independence and quality of life, while recognizing the need for interdependence and support. By welcoming into their home and providing personal support for the person, a home share provider receives a contract that includes guidelines of care, reporting requirements as well as remuneration. Payment for services is based on a “level” funding formula determined by Community Living BC, and is determined by the amount of support that a supported person requires. Additionally, each home share receives ongoing support from Bethesda and respite care funds to allow the caregiver regular breaks in providing support.

Prospective caregivers should give thoughtful consideration and seek out information before assuming the role of professional caregiver. Providing 24-hour care to another person requires an individual with unique characteristics; not everyone can success in the role. For those who are suited, home share becomes a lifestyle choice that can be extremely rewarding. A compatible placement enriches their lives and the lives of their family members. Family members need to decide what supports they would need, and what adjustments would be required. Your family should also recognize its strengths and its limitations. Bethesda will help to determine the person most compatible with your family.

To learn more about what it’s like to be a home share provider, read the story of Marnie’s experience

Standard requirements for all Home share contractors of Bethesda include:

• Canadian or landed immigrant status.
• Ability to provide support consistent with Bethesda’s vision, mission and core values.
• Criminal record search through the Ministry of Justice.
• Doctor’s written verification of good health.
• Current driver’s abstract.
• First aid and CPR certification.
• Vehicle insurance with $3M liability.s

Current Home Share Opportunities

Home Share is a family-style arrangement where a family or single person care for a person with diverse abilities in their home, providing support as required. Renumeration is provided to cover costs such as rent, food and caregiving.   A compatible placement enriches the life of the person supported and the lives of the home share family.

For more information about home share, including frequently asked questions, or to request an application package, please visit or contact Home Share at

We are seeking skilled Respite Providers who would provide care for persons supported in Home Share.  Respite Providers would assist caregivers in achieving temporary, restorative time off to maintain balance and help reduce stress in their lives. The hours would vary depending on the needs of the person supported.

Home Share is a family-style arrangement where a family or single person care for a person with diverse abilities in their home, providing support as required. Renumeration is provided to cover costs such as rent, food and caregiving.   A compatible placement enriches the life of the person supported and the lives of the home share family.

For more information about home share, including frequently asked questions, or to request an application package, please visit or contact Home Share at

Bethesda’s mission is to support and empower people with diverse abilities and their families, experiencing the joys and challenges of life together. Bethesda’s ministry is a Christian faith-based service. For more information about Bethesda, please visit our website at