I went on a trip to Vancouver! We started the trip by going to the seawall for a walk and picnic lunch. During our walk we came across a souvenir shop where I purchased my newest pin for my backpack which I was so excited about!
After lunch we checked into our hotel where we freshened up and then took the SkyTrain to Gastown. I wandered around Gastown, checked out a bunch of cool shops, got a delicious snack (of course) and then had dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. When I got back to the hotel I had a movie night; I ate so much food and snacks, it was awesome.

The next day we got ready and had the hotels continental breakfast, the food was so good! And then we went off to the Vancouver Aquarium where I saw a lot of cool sea creatures, however my favourite creature was not even of the sea. I loved the ferrets; they were sleeping and were so cute! I sat by them for a long time. Before leaving I got another new pin from the gift shop! The new pins on my backpack and the sleeping ferrets were the highlights of my trip.
My Trip in Pictures
Janna Kleingeltink lives at Sardis Home in Chilliwack with her roomate, Jasmine. Janna loves to spend time with her family and friends, sharing funny stories and favourite movie quotes. Janna was recently a maid of honour in her sister’s wedding!