Requests for support from families who have children with diverse abilities come in all, shapes, forms and sizes. Sometimes the requests are for a specific situation and then open the door to a long-term relationship with the family.
Let us introduce you to a family. No names will be given, but this is a true story. It is a story about a family who have five children, three of which have diverse abilities. One of their children, an 18-year-old son was diagnosed with palsy, seizure disorder, and cognitive delay. He has a Baclofen pump and is fully dependent on his wheelchair. He also needs constant one-on-one support. He is a very social and engaging young man who loves to be with people.
His parents do what any parents do, they shower their love on him and do whatever they can to support him. Of course, there is a need for each parent to work just so there would be food on the table and a roof over the family’s head. On top of this there are other sons and daughters in the house, some which also have their own diverse abilities. Mom and dad persevere and try to be what each child needs. In meeting the various needs, there tends to be little time or energy left for each other or their other children.

Part of the service Jeremy and Rodney provide families is researching services and resources that would be helpful to families.
One day, the family reached out to Rodney Wiebe and Jeremy Vis, Bethesda’s family support team. As the two were listening to all that was going on in this family’s life, it was clear that support was needed, but from where would it come? Due to the son’s age, he was not yet eligible for supports through Community Living BC as their supports begin when one turns 19 years old. While supports through the Ministry of Children and Families are usually available, the family had slipped through the cracks, and it would, now, take time to get those supports in place. This family needed immediate support to bridge this gap.
With the help of one of Bethesda’s staff-supported homes and the donation dollars that were available for family support, Bethesda was able to provide respite services for this family. It began with evening respite support during the week which, being December, helped the family prepare for Christmas. It also helped the family focus on the siblings of this young man and be able to invest in them. Still the family needed more.
Bethesda is currently exploring respite for a weekend allowing the parents to have some time for each other as well as their family. At Bethesda we believe that the best home for any child to grow up in is one where the mother and father have a strong relationship with each other as well as their children. Donations to Bethesda help us act upon this belief in ways that would be impossible otherwise.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, but sometimes the village is needed longer than that. Often people with diverse abilities and their families need the village all their lives. At Bethesda, our family support helps families grow their village in many different ways. If you would like to be part of this mission, consider becoming a monthly donor to help us fulfill this calling. For as little as $25/month, you will be supporting families in all the ways shared above and more.