Services We Offer
Home Living
Bethesda offers three home living options for people with diverse abilities.
Family Support Services
Bethesda offers support to families who have a child or adult with a diverse ability living in their home. Including advice, problem-solving, and Summer Camps.
Community Inclusion
Community Inclusion offers quality of life opportunities for people with diverse abilities to enrich their lives, develop their God-given abilities and experience personal growth.
Supported Independent Living
People attending Supported Independent Living learn and build skills that enable them to live as independently as possible.
Employment Services
We offer Employment Services to help people succeed. Most of our Employment Services is donor-funded.
Supporting People to Thrive By Focusing on Who They Are

Person Centred Planning is at the heart of the services we offer people with diverse abilities and their families. Person Centered Planning starts by asking, “What are the unique interests, gifts, abilities and goals of each person?” and goes from there.
Each person we support creates a Person Centred Plan in collaboration with their Circle of Support and other significant people in their life. The unique history of the person, preferences, and personality all go into creating a plan that lays out goals and objectives to promote the person’s quality of life.
By following a plan for each person, we can support people with services that are tailored to their unique selves. So that they can be all that God intended them to be.
Bethesda recognizes that people we support have the same rights and freedoms as all Canadian citizens including freedom from unlawful discrimination based on race, color, creed, citizenship, national origin, sex, age, religion, illness or disability. We are committed to assisting each person exercise these rights and accompanying responsibilities. Click here to learn more about rights and freedoms…
Who Uses Our Services
Most of our services are offered to people over 18 years old who have an intellectual disability. They are available through referral from Community Living BC or through our Family Support Services. Some respite services, such as Summer Day Camps, are available to school-age youth. As well, Family Support Services offers a wide range of services to support families with a child of any age, whether he or she lives at home or in one of our home options.
For additional information about what to expect from our services, see our Handbook for Families of People with Diverse Abilities or Handbook for People with Diverse Abilities