Employment Services
For many people with diverse abilities, having a job – and one that they can excel in – is a top priority. We think it is important too because having a job builds strengths in many areas in life.
creates friendships and social relationships
increases self-confidence and a sense of belonging
increases independence and self-determination
empowers people to share their skills and gifts

We offer Employment Services to help people succeed
Finding a good match between the job seeker and the employer is a first step to success.
We work closely with the job seeker to discover their interests and abilities. Various employment options we might explore with a person include a traditional job, self-employment, or a volunteer role. We also explore any challenges and ways of overcoming them. Often transportation to and from a job can be obstacle. We work on finding the best option. That may include mapping out a transit route and doing practice runs together until the person is comfortable on their own.
Our service includes skills exploration, resume building, interview practice, job coaching and training, as well as arranging job shadow opportunities so people can get a feel for what a job might be like. As job seekers go through the job seeking process, they discover inner strengths and gain self-confidence.
Similarly, we work with inclusive employers. Developing relationships with employers, we support them in fostering inclusive and supportive work environments. As we talk to them about their goals and what they hope to achieve, we can be that much more confident of finding a good match.

Once a person has been hired, we continue to support the new relationship. Most times we find it just takes a little imagination if modifications on the job are needed. We are also available to provide training about diverse abilities and communication styles for co-workers. Bethesda’s employment support fades over time as the employee gains confidence in the job.
Some of the people we have supported in Employment Services have been at their jobs for many years. Besides the benefit of earning an income, they learn new skills and abilities, their happiness and self-confidence increases, and they discover independence and self-determination. They also create friendships and relationships in the community—beyond paid supports, which is always one of our goals.
Hear what people have to say about their jobs and meet some of our inclusive employers…
Having a job has given me more independence, boosted my confidence, I have more financial freedom and working has helped me achieve my dreams.
Dustin Beard, Self-Advocate

Employment Services offers a full range of job-related assistance that meets the needs of each person at any stage of their career. Whether they are starting out on their very first job or exploring career change options, we set them up for success.
See our Employment Services Information Package to learn more about the service.
Employment Services generally occur during daytime hours and are available 7 days per week. Employment Services is available by referral from CLBC or arrangement through Bethesda’s Family Support Services.